Last Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced a list of new executive orders that he will impose on the American people. Included in King Joe’s royal decree was a call to immediately print another $2.3 billion of Monopoly money (something that used to be known as the US dollar). The reason for starting the presses at the Treasury Department? Global warming. “This is an emergency,” bellowed our dear leader. “I said it last week. I’ll say it again, loud and clear. I will use my executive powers to combat… the climate crisis absent congressional action.”
One would think that such political hubbub would receive a standing ovation from alleged Biden allies. But in fact, the reaction of the Terra Mater High Priests from his own party was exactly the opposite.
Senators Jeff Merkley and Sheldon Whitehouse, for example, immediately condemned the president’s response as not going far enough. According to these founding members of the “Chicken Little’s Sky is Falling Club,” anything short of a presidential declaration of a national emergency dooms us all to planetary destruction in a matter of days.
“There is probably nothing more important to our nation and our world than the United States driving a bold and aggressive transition in its energy economy,” said Mr. Merkley. “[The President must go] on the offensive… [He must] do all the things that [are] within the executive branches to do that has not been done so far,” added Whitehouse when he later called on Mr. Biden to “unchain” himself from Congress to save us all from imminent extinction.
But what exactly do people like Mr. Merkley and Mr. Whitehouse mean when they call for a “bold and forceful transition” and declare that our president should use executive powers to “unchain” himself from the legislative branch of our government?
Well, that answer is found in an article published by the Center for Biological Diversity, titled “The Climate President’s Emergency Powers: A Legal Guide to President Biden’s Bold Climate Action.” Apparently considered a sacred text by all members of the Democratic Church of Gaia, this document does not mince words in expounding the tenets of its members’ faith.
Declaring that “the climate emergency presents a ‘code red for humanity’, the document goes on to argue that “unless we ignite an economic transformation now, we will spiral into a dangerous and increasingly uninhabitable planet”. The authors then make their premise abundantly clear: “By declaring a national climate emergency, Biden can unlock emergency executive powers…to permanently end the federal fossil fuel leasing and drilling program.”
What could go wrong with this?
These people are fools.
While other countries around the world are currently suffering the devastating consequences of such stupid policies, the smart people advising our president are telling Mr. Biden to double down on the nonsense.
Sri Lanka declared its own version of a “national climate emergency” in April 2021, and is now suffering from annual inflation of 54.6%, with items such as food, clothing, transport and electricity exceeding 300%. Fishermen can’t buy diesel for their boats and farmers can’t buy fertilizer for their fields. The result is no fish in the markets and a 50% to 60% decrease in crop yields of carrots, tomatoes and other produce. A third of the country’s farmland is now idle. Eighty-five percent of farmers have faced crop failures, and a country that was once self-sufficient in rice now faces food shortages and the need to import $450 million worth of grain annually.
Holland is another example. The sages and scholars of this country, which produces an inordinate amount of chicken, pork and beef for all of Europe, have imposed a 30% reduction on all livestock. Why? Well, it seems that animals expel gases and produce manure, and you know that we can’t have any of that if we want to have a clean Mother Earth, right? One has to wonder if these same conceited know-it-alls would have concluded that killing nearly 60 million bison that roamed America’s Great Plains during the 19th century was a good thing and not a bad thing. After all, all that buffalo fart could cause the polar ice caps to melt and flood Al Gore’s beachfront home in Montecito.
Saint Paul once told the early Christians in Rome that worshiping the creation instead of the Creator would result in a “reprobate mind.” We see this every day as we watch our nation’s elites trip over themselves, elevating the planet above the people. Our ruling class is so obsessed with the god they see in the mirror instead of the God we see in the Bible that they can’t think of how to get out of a paper bag.
• Everett Piper (dreverettpiper.com, @dreverettpiper), columnist for The Washington Times, former college president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Nursery: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning the Truth” (Regnery).