The Best Full Body Dumbbell Workout | men’s diary

When you don’t have a long list of options at your home gym, or it’s rush hour at your local gym and most of the equipment is occupied, you need to be prepared. Most people can access a a few pairs of dumbbells, an adjustable bench and floor space. If you can do that, then this dumbbell full body workout will tick all the boxes for you. awesome conditioning.

The training

What do you need: A pair of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and some space to do your thing.

Addresses: This workout will take about 45 minutes to complete. Use supersets to keep things efficient, get your heart rate up, and build muscle volume. Each exercise combination starts with a large movement followed by a smaller movement that is less physically demanding to ensure you don’t run out of energy before the end. The two exercises are performed back to back with no rest between them. Once you complete the second exercise in the pairing, rest for the prescribed amount of time. Then repeat the superset. The supersets are listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, and so on.

  • A1. Dumbbell B-Stance Squat x 10 (each leg): Grab a heavier dumbbell and hold it vertically with both hands, just like you would for a goblet squat. Keeping your feet about shoulder-width apart, put all your weight on one foot, and then place the other foot slightly behind you (only the toe should touch the ground). Keeping your torso tall and upright, lower into a squat while keeping your weight centered on your front leg. The other leg can be bent to the side as you go into the bottom of the squat.
  • A2. Reverse Bentover x 12: Use your lightest dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and then lean toward your hips while keeping your spine flat. Hold the dumbbells with your arms fully extended straight down below you; keep your palms facing each other. In a single motion, squeeze your shoulder blades together and spread the weights to shoulder level while keeping your arms extended. Look for a deep contraction in your upper back and postural muscles. Keep your eyes down to keep your neck in line with the rest of your back.
  • Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 3 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
  • B1. Romanian dumbbell deadlift x 10: These are like typical deadlifts (see here for an explanation), except that the Romanian style calls for straighter knees. Keep in mind that straighter knees generally mean your lower back rounds a bit earlier in the movement, so it’s okay if you don’t go down as much with the dumbbells in your hands. Use your heavy dumbbells for this. Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. In a controlled motion and with a straight back, bend at the hips and lower the dumbbells; keep your arms straight. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to come back up to the top position. Remember to brace your core and upper back to prevent slouching.
  • B2. Dumbbell Z Press x 10: Sit on the floor with your torso up and hold medium-weight dumbbells at shoulder level. Spread your legs apart to ensure that your torso remains tall and there is no slouching or curvature of the spine; think of a proud chest. While holding this pose, lift the weights overhead, similar to a typical military press. You don’t have back support, so continually brace your core to hold the position. It is more difficult than it looks!
  • Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 3 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
  • C1. Dumbbell reverse lunge x 10 (each leg, alternating): Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend one leg behind you and lower your body down; keep your torso straight and tall and bend your front knee forward as you descend. Use your front quad to drive up to the starting position.
  • C2. One arm dumbbell snatch x 6 (each arm, alternating): Use a heavy dumbbell and hold it with one arm at shin level between your knees. Maintain a perfectly flat spine and bend your legs into a half squat position. In one big move, “throw” the weight up to a full top position, using your arm as little as possible. This movement is directed by the body and the momentum you put on the weight with your legs and torso. Finish in a high overhead press position and lower the weight to your shoulder before returning to the starting position.
  • Perform C1 and C2 as a superset for 3 rounds. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

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