If you are lucky, you can see common seals (Phoca vitulina), but it is good to keep your distance. James Warwick/Getty Images
Beaches are not just popular with humans: the rocks, dunes, cliffs and seas of coastal environments are vital habitats for some of our most precious organisms. It can be easy to miss this in the midst of swimming, sunbathing, and ice cream, so here’s a list of wildlife to look for along the coast, and what you can do to enjoy it without harming it. This article is an adapted excerpt from the July Wild Wild Life newsletter: to receive new scientistThe free wildlife newsletter in your inbox every month, sign up here.
sea ​​mammals
There’s nothing like seeing seals, whales, porpoises or dolphins in the wild. Often the best way to appreciate them is to take a boat trip, but boats can risk stressing these animals out and interfering with their normal behavior. You can avoid this by checking the credentials of any boat tour providers – ask them what they do to minimize hassle, if they work with conservation societies or if they participate in something like the sage scheme. As a general rule of thumb, operators that run small to medium-sized boats and put an emphasis on science and conservation tend to be better. Outfits that have many outings a day, or very large boats, are more likely to annoy animals.
Outside of boat trips, if you come across marine animals in the water (for example, while kayaking or paddle boarding) or on the beach (in the case of seals), it’s a good idea to keep a distance of about 200 meters, so as not to scare them.
Rock pooling/tidal pooling
Exploring ponds of water in search of marine life is a joy of childhood and has surprises in store for adults too. However, it undoubtedly annoys animals too. In general, if you keep a few rules in mind, the benefits of learning about these habitats may outweigh the harms of temporarily interfering with them.
When approaching a rock pool, do so quietly and position yourself so you don’t cast a shadow, which could scare away animals. Before you stick your hands in, take a moment to see what you can spot: algae, anemones, shrimp, maybe a crab. You’ll see more if you flip a rock over to see what’s underneath, but make sure you put it back where it was, and the sooner you can do it, the better.
If you want to see something more closely, you can collect it in a bucket or other container with a little sea water, for a short period of time. Watch him, count his legs, watch his color, see how he moves, and then put him back. Do not trap more than one animal in a bucket at a time – some animals will eat the others.
Be careful when touching soft organisms as they are delicate and could easily be injured. Do not put your feet in a pool or remove the algae, as this will disturb the ecosystem.
To learn more about the joys of rock piling, known as tidal piling in the US, read Joshua Howgego’s account of going to the beach with marine biologist and author Helen Scales.
bird watching
The UK is globally important as a feeding and breeding ground for seabirds and wading birds. While many species winter here, a variety come to UK shores in spring and summer to breed or refuel as they fly south from Scandinavia and the Arctic. However, many species begin to depart in late July and throughout August, so they are best spotted in early summer.
To see birds such as lapwings, oystercatchers, avocets, ringed plover and green sandpiper, seek out a dedicated nature reserve with abundant wetland habitat: salt marshes, mud banks and river estuaries are ideal wader territory.
For breeding seabirds such as puffins, guillemots, razorbills, and gannets, you must find an area of ​​the cliff that supports breeding colonies of seabirds. Many of these are found on islands, so a boat trip is often your best option, especially if it will allow you to observe these wonderful birds from a respectful distance.
If you enjoy coastal walks with your dog, keep an eye out for local signs and restricted areas, and heed any requests to put your dog on a leash. Many shorebirds nest on the ground, and dogs can have a devastating effect on their efforts to raise their young.
2022 is turning out to be a tragic year for seabirds. A deadly strain of bird flu, which originated in poultry, is circulating among wild birds and killing them in large numbers, particularly in the UK, the Netherlands, Israel and India. If you see a sick or dead bird, don’t touch it. If you come across about three dead birds (the exact number depends on the type of bird) in the UK, report them to the government helpline: 03459 33 55 77. Reporting them will remove them, which can help prevent carcasses from spreading the virus to more birds.
wild flowers
From sand dunes to limestone cliffs, there is no single coastal ecosystem. Each habitat has its own mix of plant species and its flowers make a walk particularly memorable.
There are plenty of rare specimens to look for, but it’s not uncommon to hear of people trampling plants in their efforts to find one that’s in bloom and capture the perfect photo. To avoid this, stay on the trails as much as you can, don’t cross fences or other protective barriers, and recognize that coastal ecosystems can be very fragile.
Before you leave…
Binoculars will help you spot wildlife from a distance, and a field guide or two will help you identify what you find.
Tides change rapidly, rip currents are not apparent, and cliffs crumble. Check safety guidelines before looking for wildlife and pay attention to signage. Tell someone when and where you’re going in case you run into trouble and don’t have a phone signal. Bring appropriate clothing for the weather, sunscreen and water, and minimize your exposure to the sun in the middle of the day (11am to 3pm in the British summer). And on days of extreme heat, just stay home.
Discarded plastic is now a common sight on beaches, and family holidays can involve a lot of single-use plastic. Please consider bringing your own lunch and snacks in reusable containers. Save and reuse buckets, shovels and other beach toys, including body boards – cheap ones can break easily and thousands are discarded each year.
If you eat seafood, it’s worth researching which species are sustainable options in the area you’ll be visiting and looking for sustainable seafood certifications in restaurants and cafes.
Finally, resist taking a souvenir. It is illegal to remove pebbles from beaches in the UK and removing shells can contribute to degrading the local ecosystem. It’s a cliché, but a photo really is the best way to remember your trip.
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