How to balance exercise, diet and sleep to get in shape

Woman lifting weights guided by male instructor

In my younger years, I was an exercise freak. The good news is that I was fit and skinny and loved working out. The bad news is that I overdid it.

One way you can overdo it is to keep going even though you’re injured. If, for example, I hurt my shoulder doing heavy bench presses, I’d gobble down a bunch of ibuprofen to mask the pain so I wouldn’t miss my next workout. Now I know how stupid that was and that my injury needed to heal completely before I challenged my shoulder again. Instead, I compounded my original injury with more trauma, opening the door to osteoarthritis (bone-on-bone rubbing) and ultimately to major shoulder repair surgery later in life.

Overcoming injuries is a common fallacy in our society, probably stemming from the philosophy of most coaches. Ankle sprain, no big deal. Run it or re-record it and return to the game. When you do this, the original injury gets worse.

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