How Mobile Firewalls Protect Against Unique Threat Vectors

Firewalls are an important tool for data protection on both traditional desktop computers and mobile terminals.

A firewalls it is a firmware or software that can manage the incoming and outgoing traffic of a network or device. It provides end-user devices with an additional layer of security that contains rules about what traffic can enter and exit.

In homes and businesses, firewalls block any unwanted incoming traffic from hackers trying to infiltrate the network or take advantage of open ports or known vulnerabilities in an Internet-connected device. But as more users rely on mobile devices and connect to Wi-Fi and public networks, adopting a mobile firewall to protect devices is becoming more important as the first line of defense. defense against cyber attacks.

As the popularity of remote work increases, so do the security risks of connecting to insecure networks where hackers lurk. When a mobile device connects to a compromised network, hackers can capture incoming or outgoing traffic from the device. Penetration testing tools like available in the Kali Linux distribution provide hackers with an easy way to execute Wi-Fi attacks. They can impersonate legitimate public networks, and when a victim connects to one, all traffic can be routed to the attacker. In turn, the attacker can analyze all traffic to collect private data, such as web traffic, passwords, and other sensitive company information.

How do mobile firewalls work?

A mobile firewall eliminates some attacks that come from network-based threats to which a mobile device is susceptible. It works like a traditional hardware firewall, but in this case, it’s on a mobile device, which can connect to cellular and Wi-Fi networks. Using an application installed on the device, a mobile firewall manages the flow of traffic in and out of a mobile device. It offers much of the same functionality that desktop and server-based firewalls provide; the difference is that it runs on mobile devices and is much easier to manage and configure. A firewall application can also ensure that any connection made to a company network or other services that host private data is secure by using a firewall. virtual private network (VPN) feature.

As the popularity of remote work increases, so do the security risks of connecting to insecure networks where hackers lurk.

Application-based mobile firewalls typically offer the following features:

  • web filtering capabilities that can block some content that may be malicious or unwanted;
  • ability to block all incoming traffic and any attempts to exploit known mobile operating system or device vulnerabilities;
  • Automatic VPN to allow the mobile device to connect and transmit information securely;
  • ability to block known threats such as malware and other malicious attacks;
  • Internet traffic controls to manage and implement browsing policies;
  • ability to stop data usage as part of any data usage limitation;
  • custom Internet rules related to the type of traffic that is allowed in and out;
  • app traffic controls to block streaming or unwanted use of apps;
  • ability to block spam or phishing links from email and SMS; Y
  • traffic monitoring and reporting.

One factor to consider with a mobile firewall is the operating system of the device it will be on. Android and iOS dominate the market, and the wide range of attacks and malware discovered in many Android apps has caused many IT administrators to push the use of mobile firewalls on Android devices, especially as a preventive measure to ensure the security of company data.

4 Mobile Firewall Applications for Businesses

When considering firewall protection to protect mobile data within organizations, IT administrators can choose from a variety of products available on the market today. Factors to consider when examining these options include what operating systems the apps run on and whether they offer additional data privacy features.


This Android-based app allows IT teams and users to restrict which apps can access a company’s network. You can control any flow of traffic, regardless of what type of network it originates from. The IT department can use the app to manage rules around any external storage within the device and support multiple profiles including Work, Home and other desired user settings. AFWall+ can also send notifications of new app installations.

NetProtector Firewall

This firewall app works similarly to some of the other popular firewalls on the Google Play store, giving IT teams control of outgoing and incoming traffic to all of their apps and supports Wi-Fi or cellular connection for each app. It also supports VPN connections, manages data usage, and blocks any unwanted incoming traffic to the device.

Firewall Guardian + VPN

Guardian is a popular firewall app for iOS devices. The app blocks malicious IP addresses and websites, as well as preventing unwanted apps from collecting personal information. You can also notify users of any attempts by services or applications to make unwanted connections. The firewall functionality can block all unwanted connections to location trackers and also offers IP masquerading to hide the identity of the device.

ZoneAlarm Mobile Security

An option for Android and iOS devices, ZoneAlarm Mobile Security offers comprehensive security software that protects against advanced cyber attacks. With a strong focus on protecting personal data, the app can block attacks from the Internet and offers zero-day phishing protection to keep credentials safe while users browse the Internet. The app can validate every link a user opens in real time against Check Point ThreatCloud, which tracks when a specific URL might be malicious.

As security threats continue to lurk online and enterprise employees increase their use of personal mobile devices, IT must take a hard look at mobile device protections. Firewall apps are an ideal first-line defense that can ensure company data is protected and block threats that are available on public Wi-Fi networks and any potential apps that might contain malware.

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