World Wildlife Day is the perfect time to take a closer look at the people who live in Hillsborough County’s conservation parks, nature reserves, and even your backyard. Here are 10 of the mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish you can find in the county’s wild areas:
These large reptiles are found throughout Florida in fresh and brackish water. Adult alligators can run up to 35 miles per hour and have 80 teeth. Females rarely exceed 10 feet in length, but males can grow much larger. Their diet consists of fish, amphibians, mammals, and birds. Both admired and feared, alligators are a state symbol and the mascot of the University of Florida sports teams.
barred owl
Barred Owls are known for their distinctive playful hoot. Paired partners engage by calling each other. They prefer to live in a swampy habitat, but can also be found in forests. These owls usually hunt at dawn or dusk and prefer a diet of small mammals. Set your sights on a barred owl during the next Avian Adventure in
Lettuce Lake Conservation Park.
Although bobcats are common inhabitants of forests, hammocks, and swamps, they are rarely seen. Bobcats are twice the size of domestic cats. Its range in the wild extends to about 6 miles, but is minimized in urban and suburban areas. Their diet includes land birds and small mammals such as rodents. It’s a rare thrill to catch a glimpse of these finicky felines.
coral snake
Fortunately, few venomous snakes call Florida home. One that does is the coral snake, which shares the same black, red, and yellow stripes as the nonvenomous kingsnake. The important distinction is that the red and yellow bands touch a coral snake, and the red and black bands touch the king snake. They are docile creatures and are likely to be afraid of humans.
gopher tortoise
These gentle reptiles live in upland habitats throughout Florida. Their deep burrows provide shelter for more than 350 other species. They are often found on or near roads, where it is sunny and warm. Gopher tortoises are frequently seen chewing on grass in the bell creek Y swampy field natural reserves.
sea ββcow
These majestic mammals typically grow to between 9 and 10 feet long and weigh about half a ton. They eat aquatic plants and breathe air, coming to the surface every 3-5 minutes when active. See them in the winter in the warm waters of Tampa Bay, especially at the Manatee View Center just north of Apollo Beach.
Florida red-tailed hawk
The Florida red-tailed hawk is a beauty to behold. As a non-migratory bird, they can be found locally throughout the year. They remain in the same 2-10 square mile territory throughout their lives and are highly adaptable, living in diverse environments such as grasslands, parks, and forests while feeding on small mammals and reptiles. One of the favorites is the rattlesnake. Red-tailed hawks are master thieves who are not beyond stealing a snack from other birds of prey.
A large mouth with a protruding jaw that reaches past the eye, a high dorsal fin, a sloping forehead, and a black line extending from the gills to the tail are distinguishing features of the Snook. The fish can grow up to 48 inches and reach 50 pounds. Its habitat is inshore coastal waters, such as beaches, mangroves, and seagrass beds. Fish and large crustaceans make up their diet. They can tolerate fresh water, but will not survive temperatures below 60 degrees.
freshwater turtle
The diamondback tortoise is distinguished by the concentric ring pattern on its shell with bumps lining its back. Three of the five Florida subspecies can be found in local brackish habitats such as coastal marshes, mangroves, and tidal creeks. The diamondback turtle enjoys clams, crabs, fish, mussels, snails, worms, and plants. Learn more at the Diamondback Terrapin exhibit at
Upper Tampa Bay Park.
White-tailed deer
Although a common site, white-tailed deer add a bit of excitement to time spent outdoors. When alarmed, they wag their upright tails from side to side as if waving a white flag before running off. Most often seen at dusk or dawn in habitats where young, low-growing vegetation is found, it is easy to tell males from females. The males are usually adorned with antlers. Many of Hillsborough County’s nature preserves have these mammals frolicking within.
Enjoy viewing wildlife from a distance. Take a closer look with binoculars or a camera zoom.
Many animals are most active at dawn or dusk, providing the best times for wildlife viewing.
Move slowly, stay quiet, and don’t look directly at an animal.
If an animal stops its activity or walks away, you are too close.
Always keep dogs on a leash.
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