Enrollment Begins for Arkansas Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Arkansans can apply for help with energy bills starting today

Arkansans in need can apply for help with energy bills beginning July 25.

TONIGHT WITH MORE THAN PART OF THE PROGRAM THAT WILL COME OUT SOON. PEOPLE STARTED LINING UP AT 6 AM HERE AT THE CRAWFORD SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TO TRY TO GET HELP PAYING THEIR ELECTRIC BILL. AND IF YOU NEED HELP, YOU’D BETTER HURRY BECAUSE IT’S FIRST COME. FOR MANY OF US THIS SUMMER, WHEN IT COMES TO ELECTRIC BILLS… “one month, $318.15” “that’s the biggest I’ve ever gotten. I’ve lived in a bigger house and my bill wasn’t anywhere near what it is now.” “is high”. “$548.” “$509.” “I cried a little bit, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to come up with that kind of money because of the way my other bills are set up and I have three kids.” PEOPLE TODAY EXPECT TO GET HELP PAYING THEIR RAPIDLY RISING ELECTRIC BILLS THROUGH THE LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, OR áLIHEAPá. “I’m a single mom and I depend on this every year around this time. This just put the icing on the cake.” “I’ve even been late on part of my rent just because I have another bill to pay.” “I could be evicted.” “I don’t know. I hope I get help and that everything works out.” “I don’t know what we’re going to do, go without eating I guess, you know what I mean, I don’t know what we’re going to do.” “People couldn’t do it, they wouldn’t. It’s a huge need, especially again, right now.” BEVERLY VAUGHN IS THE DIRECTOR OF THE áLIHEAPá PROGRAM THROUGH THE CRAWFORD SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. HELP PAYING SUMMER COOLING BILLS IS BASED ON INCOME AS WELL AS THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE LIVING IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD. VAUGHN SAYS THAT SO FAR, 7,000 IS THE MOST OF PEOPLE THEY HAVE HELPED, BUT SHE EXPECTS TO SET A NEW RECORD THIS SUMMER AND SAYS SHE SHOULD NOT WAIT TO APPLY. “because funds may be limited and they also don’t want to be cut off and have no power. If they go ahead and bring it in, if we have five, ten, twenty days before they’re actually turned off. If you wait and bring it in after it goes out, then will run out of power in this heat.” “It’s a lot, it’s a lot. And then we just go out of pocket with high gas prices, food prices. How are we supposed to live? It’s a lot.” APPLICATIONS FOR ÁLIHEAPÁ ASSISTANCE LAST THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30. IF YOU HAVE A CLOSING NOTICE, THIS IS THE LAST YEAR THE PROGRAM CAN HELP WITH UP TO $2,000 FOR THEM

Arkansans can apply for help with energy bills starting today

Arkansans in need can apply for help with energy bills beginning July 25.

The record heat in Arkansas this summer is creating high energy bills for many. Those struggling to pay electricity bills can get relief starting July 25. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program helps low-income families who need assistance to cover those bills. In 2021, the Arkansas LIHEAP program provided more than $800,000 to more than 3,500 clients. Local LIHEAP Director Beverly Vaughn anticipates those numbers will be higher by 2022. There are income guidelines that must be met to receive assistance. To apply, contact your county community organization. You can search online at https://www.adeq.state.ar.us/energy/assistance/liheap.aspx to find the organization that serves where you live. The application date was pushed back to July 25 this year. “It grows our business, we provide utility assistance for low-income families who qualify,” LIHEAP Director Beverly Vaughn told 40/29 News earlier this month. “In the summer, we pay for electricity.” “We see needs every day, we see who needs assistance the most,” Vaughn said. LIHEAP provided $862,000 for more than 3,500 people. That number is expected to rise this year with rising temperatures.

The record heat in Arkansas this summer is creating high energy bills for many. Those struggling to pay electricity bills can get relief starting July 25.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program helps low-income families who need assistance to cover those bills.

In 2021, the Arkansas LIHEAP program delivered more than $800,000 to more than 3,500 clients. Local LIHEAP Director Beverly Vaughn anticipates those numbers to be higher by 2022.

There are income guidelines that must be met to receive assistance.

To apply, contact your county community organization. You can search online at https://www.adeq.state.ar.us/energy/assistance/liheap.aspx to find the organization that serves where you live.

The application date was pushed back to July 25 this year.

“It grows our business, we provide utility assistance for low-income families who qualify,” LIHEAP Director Beverly Vaughn told 40/29 News earlier this month. “In the summer, we pay for electricity.”

“We see needs every day, we are seeing more that require assistance,” Vaughn said.

LIHEAP provided $862,000 for more than 3,500 people.

That number is expected to grow this year with rising temperatures.

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