Bezerk offers artistic opportunities for people with mental disabilities

Temple of Dying, 2022. Painting by Linda Sibio, gouache on watercolor paper, 8'x4'.

Is artistic expression a viable way to deal with mental challenges? Judging by the convincing work of Bezerk Productionsthe answer is a definite “yes”.

Linda Sibiothe local artist who launched the non-profit art collective, known as “Broken Eggs” β€” in 2001, has worked in various media, including painting, installation, and performance art since the mid-1980s. The intent behind Bezerk is twofold: to raise awareness of interdisciplinary art for people with disabilities severe mental illness and also provide unique arts and career educational opportunities for that typically underserved population.

“I noticed I had schizophrenia when I worked on Skid Row,” says Sibio, who has since identified himself as a “schizophrenic artist.” After forming a group called Operation Hammer, she was encouraged to “come out” and tell people that she had schizophrenia because she would allow other people with the condition to do the same.

“I did that publicly in 1991, and I’ve been dealing with those issues ever since,” he says, pointing to the stigma against people who are schizophrenic and have other mental health issues. Over the years, Sibio has found his own support group of artists, administrators, and others who appreciate and value his work.

Wall Street Guillotine, 2022. Still performance by Linda Sibio.  Blake Brousseau background.

“They give me advice and when I’m down they talk to me and encourage me to keep working to do my job as well as possible,” she says. “So for people with mental issues trying to break into the art world, every person they meet could be a potential support. It’s important to nurture those relationships, and I try to help people with that.”

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